Friday 25 May 2012

I'm not really sure how I feel today

I'm currently unemployed (company decided to obliterate my department) and I still haven't found a new job. Kinda hard to when you don't even want to think about the concept of rejection.

So I've been spending my time knitting my mother's long awaited Multnomah Shawl which is looking decidedly short, knitting a pair of Wanida Socks for my aunt, watching DVDs with my DVD player that I've had for ages but have only recently started using (more 'Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman'). Been doing a lot of reading and wanting to write, only to have my NetBook spontaneously decide to leave me a blank document instead.
I'm contemplating things like my living arrangements. While I do love my mother and I like living with my family, I want to be more independent and get my own place, which for me would mean moving an hour away to my 'ideal' city. I can't really do that until my brother is more stable with his income (and I get another job of course, hopefully in the city I want to live in).
As if that's not enough, I do want to go back to school and finish something, whether it be diploma or degree, don't know, don't care. But I want to do this on my own which will require a lot of planning. I'm good at planning, not so good with the follow through so we'll see how well this goes once the planning phase is done.
I'm one of those people who generally prefers to be alone and I come from a family who are majority social butterflies, constantly wanting to talk and go out places and talk to lots of people. Im quite fine to stay in my room and hang out with myself.

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