Friday 15 August 2014


With all enthusiasm, I said "Yes!" to participating in the Year of Projects 4 for another year.  Somehow or another, I have not managed to follow through.  It's not that I haven't been knitting, because I have been.  I started and finished a pair of Socks on a Plane.  I started and finished a Wild Thing Plushie and started a mini version that would have been finished if I had the safety eyes for it.

I have just not felt the urge to blog...or more specifically, I have been lazy about it.  I've also been stressing myself out over school and it hasn't even started yet.  How am I going to be during exams?

Anyways, I hope to do a proper update to show what I have done and maybe I will in September once I start school...I got to do something with my 1-3 hour breaks between some classes.