Friday 25 March 2011

This is me, trying to find a title and coming up blank

What do you do when NaNoWriMo is 7-8 months away, and you have a great idea for a story which manages to incorporate the story you wrote last year (that still remains incomplete) and the other marvelous idea you had during the last week of last year's NaNoWriMo and you don't want to forget the characters and plotlines that you have come up with at 11:30 at night when you should be going to your bed?

Me, I have a piece of paper (and a blackberry memo) with all of the different personality quirks of the characters and certain groups interactions (reading about dorm life at Dalton is so inspiring).  I just started doing this this week.  Let me say, I'm really starting to like my characters and what I hope will come across as 'off-beat'ness.  At the rate I'm going, soon it's not going to be enough but, based on a suggestion I read in a comment in someone's LJ, I think I'm going to do little writing drabbles on the characters thought process.

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