Sunday 1 June 2014

Year of Projects: Week 46

I don't know if I'd consider this a "booboo" or an "unexpected enhancement". After I frogged the Slide socks last week, I had planned to cast on again with a different yarn. Somehow or another I managed to cast on for a totally different pair of socks called Rick by Cookie A. that I had a history with.

quick summary: I started knitting them a long time ago and was doing well until I was halfway down the foot an saw the foot was twisting. I couldn't figure out how to fix it so I frogged the entire thing. Over a year later, I was flipping through the book and discovered there was a separate foot chart...duh!)

So this time, I did well. I got the foot chart photocopied and went to work. I worked down be leg and by Saturday night, I did the heel flap and the turn heel. I made sure I had he foot chart in front of me and I went to work. It was looking great! I could really see the design coming together and I thought that zig looked cool...until I looked at the pictures of he sock and doubled checked which foot I was doing...there was no zig or even a zag, just a slanted look. Suffice it to say, I did the leg for the right leg, and the foot for the left foot.

I just hope I remember to to mess up the other foot too!


  1. Lol that made me laugh but it will make for a really cool pair of socks and of course you always say you planned it that way :)

    1. That's how a role with almost all of my "mistakes".

  2. Oh dear ... it's gonna feel great to finally get that pattern done. I made these too - in a very similar red to what you're using. They've been well-loved for years!

    1. Glad you like them too. I'm sure mine will be just as well loved.

  3. unexpected enhancement. for sure.

    1. LOL! I need to think of all mistakes a such.

  4. Oh well, it is now your own design!! Lovely colour.

  5. It's a design feature? Just go with that :)

  6. You sound like me...I've messed up so much lately that if I didn't I would probably have all my YOP's done! LOL! For next year too! Ha! Ha! The sock looks great though despite it all.
