Tuesday 10 March 2015

They Loved It!

I was finally able to give the gifts I had prepared for my siblings last Saturday.  It was actually pretty funny since I tried to catch all 4 of them before church service started.  Of course with my 2 youngest brothers, they couldn't just come alone....they had an entourage asking why they hadn't gotten a gift.  I told them to wait until they became my sibling...tweens...

Silly me didn't think of even taking pictures, especially of the mini-Pinebough cowl I made for my sister.  She willingly came up to me and gave me a hug.  If you knew my sister, you'd understand that is hard pressed to do unless you are her parents or you're offering her some kind of sweet. 

My brothers were very happy with their gift certificates to the book store.  My oldest brother told me how he was trying to stay out of the bookstore since there was a book he really wanted and didn't have the money to get it.  I guess he'll be making a trip quite soon.

My step-mother was telling me about the reading my youngest brother is doing.  He devours books more than I ever did as at his age.  It could be in French or English, fiction or non-fiction, he will read it and ask for more.He definitely beat me in the regards to French.  I only read those books under duress and was much more likely to find a copy of it in English.  He apparently was wanting to read a book about Canadian Law and something else or another...the kid is 12.  I am in awe and I can't wait to see what his future will entail.

My middle brother was just happy to get a gift.  I don't think he has any outstanding plans just yet for his gift certificate but he did ask if I could make him a hat.  I told him I'd think about it.

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