Sunday 23 February 2014

Year of Projects: Week 34 & 35

So I'm a little bit late with my a week late however these have been excellent weeks for me as a knitter. I finally finished the test knit. I'm half way through the mitten KAL, started another project and I discovered a new yarn shop.

Let's start with the yarn shop.  It's called EweKnits, found on Markham St in Toronto just behind Honest Ed's.  It's almost easy to miss but luckily for me, I was given that warning when I was looking up directions and I realized just about every shop around them has been converted from a house and sometimes, it still looks like a house.

Let me just say, I wanted to squish and feel everything in the store!  The plan was just to look around and get a feel as to what it's like there and what the sell.  First thing I noticed when I walked to the building is the class list.  I am very interested in signing up for the sweater class, especially since it's on week day and they don't mind if you come in with yarn from somewhere else (I have a hankering for a sweater knit out of Tanis yarn in the colourway Chris Grey and Tanis is only at 2 shops - Purple Purl and a shop in Montreal - or online).  I also noticed their project bags.  Let me tell you they are beautiful and I would like to buy one...just have to put it on the list and wait.  I can't go completely broke due to knitting and knitting accessories.  What I like about the bags is the story behind them.

While there for browsing I ended up finding the 3rd colour for my Barndom Shawl, which has not been picked up for the past couple of weeks.

Zen Yarn Garden - Squooshy in the Flamenco colourway

It's actually a bit darker in person but I do like it and I think it would be the perfect colour addition to the shawl. I just have to get back to working on it.

I finished the one sock required for the test knit and I love it! The pattern is called  Zig Zag Ripple Socks by Econnerd aka: Karen Buhr.

I'll eventually get to the second sock. I haven't cast it on since I was kind of eager to cast on a trial sock which will be mentioned later.

I'm half way done with the Mitten KAL. I'm doing the Warm Woolen Mittens. They feel so squishy and soft and the colours look great together! Only problem is that I made them exactly to the size in the patterns and while it is wide enough, it's not long enough :( I could have made it longer by repeating a pattern but it would have been too big so I may gift it to someone who's hands and smaller than mine which is hard to do.

I have got a week to start and finish the other hand.

I've mentioned before about a KAL for the Stitch Surfer socks. My impatience reared it's head and I cast it on. I ended up not using any suggestions provided to me and pulled out yarn that I hadn't even photographed.

The top colour/left colour is from Three Ewes in the Cleopatra colourway (which I have never seen anywhere else). The bottom/right colour is from KnitPicks Stroll in the Golden Glow colourway. I am loving these socks as well...seems like I love all the socks I make. I'm actually more than half way done the first foot. It's going to be a mismatched pair with the second sock being in the Cleopatra colour way and the MissBabs Cosmic Handpainted in the Inkwell colourway. It's a left over yarn from my Earth & Sky shawl I made last year.

Quick little snip it in regards to my brothers around Valentine's Day...

I have got some of the coolest brothers in the world and suffice it to say, I'm always proud of them. One brother is actually old enough to have a girlfriend and the responsibilities of having one. He made sure to get my advice as to what exactly to get for his girlfriend for V-Day. He got her a lovely charm bracelet and hid it in my room so she wouldn't see it before it's time. I was told that she loves it!

The middle brother is something else (he's the only one that has any pictures on my blog). He and the youngest had asked me to breed some Pokemon on my game for them. Did it and he forgot his system so the trading couldn't be done. However, he took it upon himself to give some excellent suggestions as to how to improve my game.  I think he may know more about it than me. I think the grasshopper has surpassed his sensei.

The youngest went out of his way to find me this weekend just to give me a big hug and to tell me he missed me.

I wouldn't trade any of them for the world!

Sunday 9 February 2014

Year of Projects: Week 33

No finished objects this week but it's not from lack of trying.

I have been trying to finish the Test socks and even though I've gotten an extension, it's still not done.  I think I'm going to lay off anymore test patterns for now. Maybe in a couple months, if there are anymore to do, I'll think about it.

Here's to hoping I can finish it by the end of today (Sunday).

I have been making wonderful progress on the Barndom Shawl. I've finally decided on that final third colour.  I just have to get to the store and see if they sell it.  I am hoping for another skein of Anzula Squishy in some kind of a redish-burgandy colour.  I'm hoping to have it finished by mid March, in time for the grand opening of the store however since this is a work-only knitting type of shawl and the hours have not been so plentiful, I don't know if that plan is going to work.

I need to start a KAL watch section.  I haven't made any progress on the mitten KAL that I'm doing but since the finishing date is not until mid March...or maybe March 2nd, I'm still good with my time as soon as I finish the Test sock.  The new KAL I want to be apart of is the Stitch Surfer KAL from the Knitbulls Podcast.  Dianne (the host) seems as if she knits nothing but Stitch Surfers and after watching many episodes of her podcasts, I have been wanting to make them myself.  This one goes for March 1st to March 31st.

My problem is coming up with what colour combinations to use.  I've managed to narrow it down to one of the previous 12 options...that's not so much to pick from, right?

Saturday 1 February 2014

Year of Projects: Week 32

I did pretty good this week. I didn't finish anything BUY I didn't day on anything new either. There honestly was no time this week.

I was gone from my house at least 12 hours a day with work and commuting to and from work. Only things I managed to do was reach to the heel flap for the test sock and reach to section 2 of the Barndom Shawl.

The test pattern sock that I have to finish is for tomorrow. Something tells me it's not going to get done in time.

It does look lovely though and the pattern is not difficult to follow either.

No pictures of the Barndom Shawl this week because it still looks like last week's picture but larger. What I do really like about it (other than the cashmere content of the yarn that is so deliciously soft) is that it's my work project shawl. I pick it up before my shift starts and during my allotted breaks and I am happy with the progress of it, especially since I do not work on it at any other time.

I have reached the point where I want to finish off projects and not really start on anything new. I'm more for acquiring things like a new pair of socks off the needles or a pair of mittens...or a new ball of yarn to add to the stash so I can make something with it later. Enter the new arrival to my house:

I stink at selfies but I had to take the shot.

My skein of Wollmeise arrived this week. It was just over a week all the way from Germany.  I've had things ordered from the US that have taken longer to reach my house.  I still haven't decided what I'm going to make with it but I have been thinking of heavily cabled socks like the German Stockings by Cookie A. in the book Knit. Sock. Love. Only problem now is that I cannot find my copy of the book anywhere and it's making me upset. Time to start a deep hunt for it in my room before I start to blame the other occupants of house for losing it.

Back to the point of acquiring; I think I just want to to back my stash that got severely depleted last year and finish off most of the projects that I still want to complete.