Saturday 1 February 2014

Year of Projects: Week 32

I did pretty good this week. I didn't finish anything BUY I didn't day on anything new either. There honestly was no time this week.

I was gone from my house at least 12 hours a day with work and commuting to and from work. Only things I managed to do was reach to the heel flap for the test sock and reach to section 2 of the Barndom Shawl.

The test pattern sock that I have to finish is for tomorrow. Something tells me it's not going to get done in time.

It does look lovely though and the pattern is not difficult to follow either.

No pictures of the Barndom Shawl this week because it still looks like last week's picture but larger. What I do really like about it (other than the cashmere content of the yarn that is so deliciously soft) is that it's my work project shawl. I pick it up before my shift starts and during my allotted breaks and I am happy with the progress of it, especially since I do not work on it at any other time.

I have reached the point where I want to finish off projects and not really start on anything new. I'm more for acquiring things like a new pair of socks off the needles or a pair of mittens...or a new ball of yarn to add to the stash so I can make something with it later. Enter the new arrival to my house:

I stink at selfies but I had to take the shot.

My skein of Wollmeise arrived this week. It was just over a week all the way from Germany.  I've had things ordered from the US that have taken longer to reach my house.  I still haven't decided what I'm going to make with it but I have been thinking of heavily cabled socks like the German Stockings by Cookie A. in the book Knit. Sock. Love. Only problem now is that I cannot find my copy of the book anywhere and it's making me upset. Time to start a deep hunt for it in my room before I start to blame the other occupants of house for losing it.

Back to the point of acquiring; I think I just want to to back my stash that got severely depleted last year and finish off most of the projects that I still want to complete.


  1. Ooh love the colour of the yarn. Socks look great - I know what you mean about finishing off, I'm in that mood too!

  2. Did you decide to match your shirt to your yarn? :D

    1. I swear to you it was completely coincidental! LOL

  3. Great fibre! I love the colour, which is awesome how coincidentally matched it is to your shirt!
    I look forward to seeing your test socks completed... Best of luck!

  4. The Wollmeise looks lovely :D

  5. I love those socks! They look more substantial than most socks I've been seeing and I like that. I'll pray you finish in're such a great knitter.
    I'm like you, I have certain projects for certain times or events and it's working good for me. But I have the urge to also finish up some things that have been hanging around. Maybe it's a virus? LOL. It's a balancing act in my head I think. I'm not happy to work in just one craft or on just one project but yet when there get to be too many out there then I have to finish some up. I haven't determined any specific number but maybe I should start keeping track...hmmm....interesting theory, huh?
    Your yarn from Germany is beautiful. Did you say what you're going to make from it? I can't wait to see whatever it is. Have a great week!

  6. The Woolmeise looks so gorgeous, can't wait to see those socks.
