Friday 10 January 2014

What do I want to do right now?

I am at a stalemate in my head, trying to figure out what project I want to start or continue. I just finished the Circe socks which I am liking. The ends just need to be woven in and the socks need to be washed but they're pretty much done.

I have the Mint Arrow socks I could be working on. I also have the Hitchhiker scarf and the Daybreak shawl to finish. Still hemming and hawing and it's pretty stupid to continue doing so when I only have a few more rows of the Daybreak to do before it's done (not including weaving in ends and washing).

I also have 2 projects to cast on which are time sensitive. One is a KAL I mentioned last Sunday and the other is another test knit for Econnerd which in reality, I can't start until I get home to the rest of my stash. That one is for earlier than the end of the month.

I think I've decided to save the Daybreak until Sunday or so, so I can load up a movie or tv series to watch while I knit.

And when I think about it, I do have to "swatch" for the KAL anyways so I might as well charge up my phone and listen to something good while I get on that.

Note: it's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in audiobook.

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