Sunday 12 January 2014

Year of Projects: Week 29

This has been an eventful week!  I worked my last week at my seasonal retail job.  I'm sad to have to leave but the store isn't keeping any of the seasonal workers and from what I've seen, there isn't enough business to support the workers as it is.  I got another job, for the same company in a different location.  Colour me happy and I hope I enjoy it just as much as I did at the first location (and for still being employed).  I start at the end of the month so that's like have just over 2 weeks vacation :)

I am suitably happy with the work that I've done in regards to knitting this week.  I've finished a project, cast on another and I'm about to cast on for another.

It's now 4 out of 26! Woefully behind but who cares?  I've finished the Circe Socks.  The ends have to be woven in and socks have to be washed but I am classifying them as being done!

 Yarn: Anzula Squishy in the colourway Ducky

I need a proper picture needs to be shown to show the details of the socks.  They are beautiful and a fun and easy knit.  I'd definitely do it again.  Also, if you can get to an LYS and squish this yarn, DO IT!  It feels so nice!

I started the mittens for the SpillyJane KAL from my LYS, Handknit Yarn Studios, late Friday night.  I'm knitting the Warm Woolen Mittens.  I haven't even finished the cuff yet so I don't quite think there's a point to taking a picture as of yet but there will definitely be one next week. I got to be ready for the cast on party at the shop.  We were actually given permission to start early if we wanted to.

The other project that I'm about to start is another test pattern for Econnerd on Ravelry.  It's a fingering weight cowl.  Only problem is that I don't think I have a circular needle in a size 2.5 US and neither do I have it in interchangeable tips.  I may just go up a needle size and be done with it.

On another note, if you want to try a Stephen West pattern, they are 25% off until the end of today (meaning Sunday January 12, 2014).  I purchased 3 of them; Clockwork, Barndom and Rockerfella.  I got the yarn picked out for one of them (if it gets found) and I'll probably keep the other 2 in mind when I go out and buy more yarn for the stash.


  1. Yep I would call them finished as well!! They look lovely. Hurrah for the new job!

  2. Love the socks, well done on another finish. I've had to call a halt to doing that sock challenge as things just went in a different direction. Looking forward to seeing the mittens and those shawls are fab aren't they.

  3. They turned out so great! Good luck on the mittens. I would love to try color work but I have too much on my plate this year. SW's patterns are simply gorgeous. I have not done any of them not have I done a shawl/scarf like those but you and he are definitely tempting me. I'm so glad you get another position with the company and that you are liking the work. Enjoy your vacation!

  4. I keep buying Stephen West patterrens, but have only managed to finish one and that one I did not do the full width, but I love his patterns

  5. I love those bright sock! And I'm looking forward to seeing your mitts next week :)

  6. Quick, weave those ends in! If you don't do it now, it may never happen. I've got three year old socks in my cupboard that have been worn dozens of times with the yarn tails hanging inside the socks :(

    Gorgeous pattern! And wow, they're BRIGHT!

  7. Now that is some color pow! The socks look terrific. You did a wonderful job. Congrats on the new j-o-b. Hope it's all you imagined it to be.

  8. The socks look great and I love the bright color!

  9. Those socks are awesome! I didn't think I would ever be bold enough to make something in that kind of colour, but I think you have inspired me. I bought a bright green sock yarn the other day and it's just waiting for the right pattern now!
