Thursday 22 July 2010

Drabble #014

Universe: Winchester
Characters: Drake Thayer and Moonunit (Moon) Zappa

"You really suck at pool," said Moon, as he watched Drake's cue completely miss the ball.
"Well you're not too good either," said Drake to his brother in law.
"You're the one with the pool table."
"That I just got last week," Drake replied. "How do you keep up the lovey-dovey stuff at home with Christina. I just don't get it."
"Christina and the kids are home life," explained Moon, watching Drake attempt another shot. "Outside of the house is a completely different story. To keep Chrissy happy, I lay it on thick,, the serenading, the affectionate kissy faces and eskimo kisses crap. That way she doesn't concern herself with my life outside of the home. My shot!". Moon went up to the table.
"I dunno. I think Cathy is starting to suspect."
"You've only done it like what? Twice?"
"With the same woman and we've had some pretty heated make-out sessions around the back Winch Bank," explained Drake.
"Yeah, but let's be honest, those Winchester girls did not come pretty and if Dingo wasn't my kid, I wouldn't be married to her anyways. You know these Winchesters are traditionalists. Dingo's official last name is Winchester because Chrissy and I weren't married yet."
"I think Cathy is beautiful," said Drake.
"In the eye of the beholder," muttered Moon. "I mean seriously, let's take Cathy's 'beautifu' and put against Tiffany's 'friggin gorgeous'."
Drake knew he had a lot of thinking to do. «What do I really want?»
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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