Thursday 22 July 2010

Drabble #016

6:15-6:45, 9:05-9:15, 9:45-9:55
Universe: C5
Characters: Rosie Bellamy

They never really needed me before but I know they'll need me now. And it has nothing to do with my 'doppelganger'.

I started out as the weak one. I had no active powers (heck I would have been happy with passive powers). I had begun to think I was thrown out of a turnip truck. Grandpa always told me that I was still one of them and to just be patient.

I was inherently magical so I learned to be magical in other ways. I learned how to adapt and create spells. I studied about her plants and other ingredients for potions. I provided additional back-up and defence with charms. I was a walking, talking encyclopedia. All to give my family an advantage in battle.

I tried not to envy my cousins and siblings but it was so hard. Simple things like my big brother making me a snowcone when the freezer went out, Connell reheating my soup when I was sick, Zoe cheating at any game it was possible to cheat at and Lianne just being Lianne.

And then the biggest betrayal was when Grandpa Bellamy died, leaving me a letter and a power I could barely control. The letter wasn't even that clear. I was some kind of power absorber. Of course to a person who thought they had no powers being given an almost limitless power it's absolutely amazing. And then I found out how I get the ability. Some with an ability has to die in my presence. Well guess what, Grandpa had to die for me to get his. No power is worth that.

I couldn't stay after his death. I had to get away as far and as fast as I could. With some cash in my pocket and whatever personal I'd I had, I scrawled a quick note to my family and ran.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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