Monday 1 November 2010

DAY ONE of NaNoWriMo: Giving it a shot

First post that is not a drabble in this journal. Most of these ones here are from JulNoWriMo which I failed at miserably but I got good ideas and prompts from

I wasn't actually planning on starting to write until just about now, 5:30pm on the first of November.  However, by 9:00 this morning, while on my break from work, I pulled out my note pad and started writing the first chapter of my novel.  So far it's sweet.  I want to go back and start editing what I wrote but according to the rules (and the advice I have received to get this thing done), I can't edit until next month when it's some kind of editing month.  It will be so tempting BUT I've compromised with myself and allowed myself post-its with quick notes so I remember what "great" and "astounding" idea I had at the time and hopefully keep the idea to make this novel better.

While doing this, I'm also making use of Liquid Binder (how it's still active even though it's been well over the free month I will never know) for this challenge.  But maybe I should keep a backup in rtf/doc format just in case.

50,000 words is a lot but so far I have made it over 300!  YAY Me.  I've seen it written that that works about to about 175 pages, typed I believe and sinceI generally prefer to do long hand, that gonna be a lot of paper.  And then typing it up little by little?  Feels like it's gonna take forever.  Sigh!  As time goes on for the month and I reach to about 5-10 pages, I'll start printing it out as a hard copy for myself and put it aside for editing.  Maybe then I'll feel like I'm making progress and it will urge me to continue,

So the basic history of this writing.

The Tentative Title: Last Weekend (it will definetly span more than a weekend, maybe around a year in this character life)
Main Character: Taylor Bellamy, 3+ generation witch (as of yet a type of my own creation, not following Wicca)
Location: Somewhat real world based, dealing in present-ish time.
This is actually an offshoot of a previous generation story (Circle of Five) that I started many years ago (and I was going to continue for this NaNoWriMo but changed my mind as of last night).  Taylor is from the Circle of Seven, possibly 2 of 7 and if I ever decided to continue writing about the others in her circle, than the name of this little novel will be changing (another tentative title: The Second of Seven)
So, off to go find my comfy place in my house, plug in my head phones, pull out the pen and paper and get to writing.

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