Tuesday 2 November 2010

DAY TWO of NaNoWriMo: Dealing with Distractions

Apparently, I don't write as much as I think I do.  Yesterday, I finished with 744 words....at this rate, it'll take me a good few months to reach goal.  And today, I haven't even started yet!

Last night, I got sick.  Kept waking up like every hour.  Called into work and used a sick day.  You would think since I have so much more freetime on my hand that I could use it to write.  Nope, didn't happen although I did watch "What Not To Wear" on TLC, went on the computer to do an entry on my journal and ended up playing Collapse on Facebook and for some strange reason, the storyline that's been going around my head for the past 3 or so weeks suddenly decides to shut up.  Not good at all.

I don't have constant access to a computer like I would prefer (one computer to 7 people in the house? not happening).  So I've been doing everything by hand and then typing it on the computer once or twice a day.  My family also doesn't seem to get the concept of "trying to get some me time" either.  I tried to write at the dinner table (no desk in my room) and my mother decides to get me to start inputting phone numbers on the phone.  I love my mom dearly but she is so technologically impaired, it's ridiculous.  If I could get all the info from her at one time, it could have been a one time thing and go back to my writing.  She'd tell me the name of the person, give me the area code and then go off and have a conversation on the phone while I'm standing there like "Can we just get this over yet?"  People kept stopping me asking "What are you doing?".  This happened at work, at home, at the local pizza place...or they think I'm doing homework.  If I was really doing homework, would you really ask me every single time "Are you doing homework?"  Homework is not the only reason people write you know!.

So, I'm gonna take this opportunity, since I am at home and have no tv shows that I feel like I desperately need to watch until 8 o'clock, pull out a pen and paper and write.  Headphones in, everyone else out!

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