Tuesday 5 November 2013

Day 1 of 30 Day Knitting Challenge

Day 1: What was your first finished project?

I can't even remember.  I learned to knit when I was a kid.  I remember the process of learning to knit but I don't remember any finished projects.  Much later on in life, when I picked up knitting again,  I decided I wanted to make a scarf.  It was white and pink (which is a colour I rarely deal with).  Never finished it.  I don't even know where that thing is.

I found an acrylic green yarn from Red Heart that I really liked the colour of and casted on a new project. I reached to the end of my first row, and realized I had no idea how to do the next row so that everything still stayed flat (later to discover that what I wanted to do was a stockinette stitch).  I didn't worry myself to much and continued knitting on the other side of the row.  I had no idea what this phenomenon was and I declared it to be The Popcorn Stitch.  I later realized this is called a Garter Stitch.

Months later, I still had no idea how to finish this green scarf that had grown to look like green swiss cheese but I was proud of it.  I was at the library, not far from my house and I checked out a knitting book that would show me how to end this thing. Learned a new technique that day called Binding off.  I also got an invitation to the Knitting Circle that was held at that library once a week

I still have that scarf.  I don't really wear it and I don't know what to do with it really but here's a picture of the scarf that brought me back to knitting.

Yup, I went and pulled it out of the bottom of the scarf bag just to take a picture of it.

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