Saturday 16 November 2013

Year of Projects: Week 21

I can't believe it's been 21 weeks already! Still no finished projects but that's okay. I finished half project and that is progress.

I kept station at it with amazement; not because of the pattern (since I can barely notice it). I am loving the colours in the yarn. I had dyed this one myself for a Tosh-along back in March. I called it Grapefruit Sunrise.

I don't know if this is a sunrise though. I even looked up pictures online and the colours were not quite right. It looks closer to a sunset than a sunrise. I'm just happy that I have the colour recipe written out so I can make it again; for myself next time.

I re-casted on for the Circe socks. I'm going full length this time and I am loving them.

I'm finally understanding how the foot pattern works and I think I'm making goof progress on them.


  1. Ooh! Grapefruit Sunrise!! Great name... Love the socks... Both of them :)

  2. The colours of both socks are lovely. Can't believe it is week 21 already!

  3. Wow how I love your grapefruit sunrise socks! I can't believe that you've dyed that yarn yourself! How great that you've saved your recipe?! Your Circle socks look like Sunshine to me! ;-)

  4. Lovely socks! And you are so talented, both with such lovely sock patterns and that awesome dye!

  5. Fun socks! The orange is on fire and the neon is in your face. You go.

  6. Love the name and the yarn. The socks are both beautiful. I need to get back to my socks..I had quite a few on my list and so far I've done nada. That must be so satisfying to have dyed them yourself. Good job!

  7. Oh I love the colours of both and I'm not surprised you kept the recipe for the sunset one it's quite delicious.
