Saturday 30 March 2013

It finally happened

The family game night I talked about from way back in January has finally happened.  The first one and at my house.  The house is only partially full of family and friends (there's a ton more that couldn't make it so we do have breathing room here).  Got an intense game of Monopoly that has been going on for over 2 hour.  Having never experienced these people really playing a game, I was in for a surprise.  I don't think I could ever have a Family Game Night without these crazy people.

My mom pulled off a little surprise for cousin B1 and had a cake for her birthday, which was almost a week ago.

I showed my dress (yes I still consider it my dress even though I technically don't own it yet) to my brother's girlfriend.  She encouraged me to buy it.  One of my other friends showed me an email from the store saying they're having a 30% off sale on dresses.  I was hoping that the malls would be open tomorrow however a check through quickly informed me that the mall is no opened (darn Easter Sunday holiday).  So that was a bust.  I went running to my mama to get her credit card and bought the dress online.  I have ordered many things online from movies to music to a power cord for an old printer but I have never purchased clothing before.  Luckily I did try on the dress in the store.

On a knitting note, I was happy when I saw an email from Cookie informing me that my yarn is on it's way!  I hope it gets here by my birthday (it's next Saturday)

So a dress plus my yarn plus my eBay purchase = stalking the postman until they all come to me.

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