Monday 4 March 2013

One down, one to go

I finally finished one sock of the Ernie socks. The second sock will be cast on tomorrow. I still don't love them like I do the Newton socks but that could also be because I got spoilt with the MCN Sock Yarn from Indigodragonfly. Despite the fact Julep has the same properties as the MCN Sock (Merino 80%/Nylon 10%/Cashmere 10%), the MCN feels so much softer. Maybe the Julep sock will feel differently once it gets washed.

On the dyeing side, for March Challenge is gradient dyeing. I'm going to use the Nekkid Muscadine from Springtree Road. I was going to save it for the Tree of Life sock but as of yet, I still haven't gotten the book and no one has replied to the email so I'm assuming I won't be able to get the book that way.

Anywho, back to the yarn. The plan so far is a multi step process:
1) dye skein in light yellow
2) cake yarn in 50g parts
3) dye outer part of yarn in orange
4) re-cake yarn
5) dye outer part in red
6) re-cake
7) using a syringe, deposit some purple in the middle of the cake.

Hopefully, all of that will create a one of a kind one way gradient. I'll use that along with another Muscadine sock yarn to do another colour work sock.

Status update on the cookies: out of 48 cookies, there are less than 10 remaining. What the heck is up with the people in my house?

1 comment:

  1. I just started the Ernie sock and it's driving me nuts. I hope it gets a rhythm to it. (I found your blog through Cookie's Sock Club forum; It's nice to read about someone else working on the same thing).
