Monday 18 March 2013

Oh the knitting drama

As soon as I finished the Ernie Socks, I pulled out my skein and ball winders, ready to wind my Liquified Sunset (yes, I have finally named my skeins). I wound the the handle on the ball winder a few times and then it fell off my bookshelf. Upon checking the winder, the attachment broke which meant I had to go manual.

That's 1 new ball winder with table attachment required which I don't have extra money to put towards it.

I still continued to wind my skein with a little more difficulty but it wasn't impossible. As I worked, I spent more attention to the ball winder then to the swift. It soon flew off the base.

Yes, the swift flew off the base. The yarn from the other end had gotten caught on the screw and had built itself up enough that it started to unscrew the swift. I didn't even know it could do that.

I did eventually caked the Liquified Sunset and the Late Dusk sock yarn and went to work on the Dark Isle Socks.

For the first time in my life, I did a toe up cast on that had a smooth toe. I've actually made a lot more progress on the socks than I thought I would have done in a span of 24 hrs. T was right; it does seem to go faster just to see how the colours change as you progress.

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