Friday 12 July 2013

The Gathering (<--read ominously)

Since I compiled my list of WIPs for the Year of Project, I determined I needed pictures of my all of my WIPs. I swear I have projects coming out of the wazoo.

I found 3 more pairs of socks that I thought I had already unravelled...sorry, no. 4. At least I know where my needles have disappeared to.  At the very least its a good reason to get my circular needles back, especially a small circular one that I wanted to abduct for my anklet project.

The socks I pulled out of their hidden spots is (are), a knitted partial leg of the Blackrose Sock, a half way unravelled quarter of leg from the Slide Socks, A partial leg of the Monkey socks and...I can't remember...maybe I did only have 3. I think I do want to finish the Blackrose socks. It's a pretty simple pattern and I still have enough to finish the pair...who knows.

I pulled out my half way finished Anisette Cardigan. I'm not even sure that I want to finish it. The back is gorgeous and perfection, if I do say so myself however, I messed up in the tops of the front panels, I did the wrong size for the sleeves and nothing lines up correctly AND I don't like the feel of the Wool of he Andes yarn. It feels too scratchy. Maybe at another time, I'll actually attempt it in a softer feeling yarn like Cascade 220, which I am still loving from the Shapely Boyfriend Cardigan.

The shoot went relatively well (listen to me trying to sound all professional and all).  I went out to the sun room (generously called so), located just outside of my bedroom.  This is what I get instead of a window in my room.  The Anisette Cardigan was dust covered.  I still don't know if I want to continue with it,.  The wonderful thing about pulling out WIP is that I found an undyed skein of sock yarn from Knit Picks :)  (I'm not going to dye yet...I'm not going to dye yet...)

I also learned I am too short to get a full picture of the width of my Blankie but I was so happy to see it all together.  I even tried standing on the chair beside it and I still couldn't get it all in one shot.  This is what you get when you want it to fit a queen sized bed.  It's now in 2 pieces (as opposed to the 3 it was before) and probably won't be joined together for quite some time.  I'm pretty certain once it is, it will not be as transportable and there are also too many left over threads that need to be woven in and excess cut off.

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