Monday 22 July 2013

Year of Projects: Week 4

This was a Spock sock/Blankie week.

I believe I made a lot of progress on the Spock sock until an incident occurred over the weekend which made me stop. I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate enough to do the socks so I moved onto the Blankie.  Good thing I travelled with 2 projects.

I added 3.5 squares and it's coming along nicely. I actually received many compliments from people at my church when they saw me working on it yesterday. 

It still feels like a Blankie type of week so I can't say if the Spock socks will be done by this time next week. I do think I can manage to put in some work on it during the knitting circles this week.

Not quite off topic but isn't this a beautiful shade of blue?

I guess this week will be a short update.


  1. The sock pattern is very cool. It almost has an archaelogical architecture aspect to it but also an element of fantasy.

    1. Once you said that, I started to look at it again, and yeah, that is so true.

  2. It's a VERY beautiful shade of blue :D

  3. It's a gorgeous shade of blue! I wants it!

    1. I wants a full skein of it! I got it from one of my friends and I all I know is that it's Merino and Nylon.

  4. Loving the spock socks and it's a gorgeous shade of blue ! Blankie is coming on great.

    1. Thank-you! The Blankie continues to grow.

  5. Love the pattern of those socks. Your blankie is gorgeous ... but oh those ends! That'd be too much for me!

    1. I'm still not fully for fixing the ends just yet but I assume one of these years I'll just get so frustrated with it that I'll get it done.

  6. Love the color of the socks!
