Tuesday 7 August 2012

I hate having a phone by my computer

I decided I would spend my morning playing my sims game for a while.  When I was finished, I was just going to check a few things online before turning off my computer when the phone rings.

I always check for caller ID before I pick up the phone and this time it said "Private Caller".  I don't like answering when I can't see a name but sometimes my aunt calls and forgets to take her phone off private caller so I picked up the phone.

It's a woman on the phone with A LOT of background noise saying she's from Microsoft...first thought that pops into my head? I didn't apply for a job with Microsoft.  I had a very difficult time understanding her due to the background noise but she told me she was from Technical Support from Microsoft and that my Microsoft computer was throwing errors that was preventing me from using my browser.

First problem?  Microsoft doesn't make computers and my computer's an Acer.  I did tell her I was having issues connecting to the internet however that was because of my internet provider, not any software issue.  She insisted in was a software issue.  I told her no because with my older modem (that I was using 2 weeks ago), everything worked just fine.  She insisted that my Microsoft Computer was still showing errors.  I may not be the most technically proficient person on the planet but I am quite aware that when there are issues and errors, my computer at the very least tries to irritate and annoy me about them with little pop ups in the corner.  The only thing I've gotten was from Microsoft letting me know there are updates for Microsoft Office and I finally caved this morning and installed them anyways.

Second problem?  If Microsoft has this kind of service of calling me if something is wrong with my computer, where have they been for the past 20 years? I'll even amend that to 15 years for the development of internet.  They have never called me once and I've been through 4 computers and quite a few hard drive crashes and motherboard issues.  With one of the computers being totally virus infected.  Microsoft doesn't call for those issues.  I'm practically under the assumption that they'd rather let your computer fall apart so you have to by a new computer or have to update to the newest OS to fix the problem.

I am also a person who doesn't like to be on the phone.  This woman was approaching the 5 minute mark, a time slot that's only reserved for very few people.  I told her I wasn't interested in getting my computer fixed since it was working just fine.  I wasn't seeing any errors.  She didn't want to let me off the phone.  I then told her I was highly suspicious of her calling me due to the above mentioned computer issues and they have never called me before.  She kept asking if I didn't want to get my computer fixed.  I hung up the phone and went online and found a whole host of people being called by "Microsoft".

So if anyone gets these calls, ignore them people.

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