Friday 10 August 2012

Knitting Friday Progress

So this week I picked up a project I haven't worked on in over a month. My Aunt's Wanida Socks. It's always the same place I stop; halfway through the heel flap. It is the most boring part of knitting socks. But I have turned the heel and am working towards the foot.

My motivation? Once I finish my outstanding projects, which include these socks, another pair for my best friend which is currently stuck at the heel flap and my Anisette Cardi, I am allowed to knit MYSELF another pair of socks out of my "higher grade" sock yarn. I got some Springtree Road Muscadine and Julep, and Tanis Blue calling my name :D

My Sock Blankie has made a little progress as well. I don't expect to work as much on it in the up coming weeks. I have put out request with some of the ladies from my knitting circle who knit many socks, for left over sock yarn. I really want to make my Blankie as colourful as possible while still being washable. Superwash wool all the way!

BTW, I am excited for this weekend. Every summer in Toronto there is The Taste of the Danforth. It's a street festival of Greek culture. I'm not Greek but I do have a fondness of Mediterranean foods (shawarma...drool). Also, I have realized that The Purple Purl is about a 30 minute walk from there. So my plan for the weekend is to stop at The Purple Purl, pick up some Tanis Fibre Art Sock Yarn and I'm going to try to get a skein of Indigo Dragonfly. I'll decide on the colour when I see what's available. I can't wait :D

After that purchase, I am not allowing myself to buy any additional yarn in either full skein or mini skein format until the end of November. I would very much like to sign up for Cookie A's sock club for 2013. And there's also Cyber Monday with KnitPicks which will either be sweater quantities of yarn for sweaters sitting in my queue, and the glossy sock yarn that I bought earlier this year that I am dying to use.

I really need to go to my bed now. It's past 2:30 in the morning and I need to be up at 7am. Good night!

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