Monday 14 October 2013

Year of Projects: Week 16

Another week has passed.  I wanted to have another FO (and believe me, I was trying) and I did it!  I finished my Earth & Night Sky Shawl and I love it.

 Thank you to cousin B1 for modelling it for me.

I loved it so much, that I'm giving it away for a good cause.

Yesterday was my mother's 60th birthday and she went all out on a schindig.  It turned out really nice.  She had me going to stores to pick things up (like her rose gold Guess watch that was still at the store), lighters and taking trips to Downtown Toronto.  Not to mention physically making things for the party.

This is when the good cause came up.  I'm giving the shawl to my mother for her birthday.  I still have to block it so it will be bigger.  That's the part I am trying to work out but I will find a way.

Otherwise this week, I worked on the Flip Top mittens.  I was trying to have it finished for this update, but as I said before, there was no time but I have made good progress on it.  It should be finished this week, or at least the mitten part.  There's also the thumb plus opening the mittens up to make them convertible.

I spent a good amount of this week visiting different LYS's around me.  I managed to make it to 3 locations; The Purple Purl, Romni Wools and Handknit Yarn Studio.  I made it to the weekend with 3 new skeins of wool plus a set of fixed circular needles; all for two shawls by Stephen West.

I've decided that these two yarns will work well for the Daybreak Shawl (that's Tanis Fiber Arts Blue Label in Chris Grey and Turtlepurl Yarns Stripped Turtle Toes in Dream Room).  This one will be the next project, once I finish at least one more WIP.

The Pagewood Farm Glacier Glacier Bay in Cape Cod Cranberry and Anzula Squishy in Maple, is set aside for the Chadwick (which I have not purchased as of yet because I can't decide if I should buy the book or just the pattern,).

Forgot to mention that I finally got a picture of my brother RJ with his new hat and scarf.  His mother hid it well from him to the point that on the night of his birthday, he still didn't have his gift.  The next morning at church, he gave me running hug wearing his hat and scarf that he refused to take off almost the entire day.

Yes, he's learning to play the bass since the drums and the piano are not enough for him.

My youngest brother Nathaniel has now put in a request for a scarf for his birthday.  Not necessarily a hat but he does want a scarf.  The kid barely ever asks for anything so I can't really say no to him.  Time to go and look up another pattern or something of the sort to make with acrylic yarns in the colour of Reese's Pieces...I may just have some more Brava yarn in a bulky weight though...oh the possibilities.


  1. Your shawl looks fantastic and your Mom is going to love it. Love the new yarns and looking forward to seeing them worked up.

    1. I am already wanting to make another Earth and Sky shawl for myself. You're looking forward to seeing it worked up? Imagine my excitement. I am dying to start knitting them up but I am hoping that patience will work out in my favour.

  2. Great shawl!
    Welcome to a fellow Torontonian!

    1. I didn't know you were a Torontonian! I am now curious as to which LYS's you frequent.

  3. The scarf and hat look great on RJ. And then the fact that he wore them all day and wouldn't take them off! That's a big time endorsement of your knitting skills! Good for you!

    Handknit Yarn Studio ... uh oh. Hadn't heard of that one, and now I think I must go there soon :) I grew up in Hamilton and still have a brother in Dundas. Time to plan a visit :)

    1. It also means he'll probably ask me to make him more stuff. Sigh...a knitter's work is never done.

      Handknit Yarn Studios just opened in June of this year. I actually managed to visit a couple of weeks before the grand opening. It is a lovely little shop in Downtown Hamilton at 4 Cannon St E (right at the corner of James St and Cannon St E). Visit it! They would love to see you :D

  4. The shawl turned out fantastic! And isn't it awesome when your handknits are so appreciated!

    1. Absolutely! But only time will tell if I'm willing to do wool for the boys just yet.

  5. You're so sweet giving your shawl to your mother despite the fact that you love it so much yourself! Your brother looks great with his new hat and scarf, and I can understand your youngest brother wanting a scarf as well! Sounds like your creations are in demand!!

    1. I just have to bide my time before the youngest sibling starts asking for stuff and something tells me it won't be as simple as the other 2.

  6. Yummy yarn! I'm sure your whatever you make of it will be lovely :D

    1. I am loving the term "Yummy Yarn". When I can get an area dedicated to the storage of my yarn, that is what I'm going to call it - The Yummy Yarn Corner.
