Wednesday 2 October 2013

It feels like my day got a little better

I got a call about a job interview yesterday. I got up with time to spare, got myself ready, used 1 of my last 4 bus tokens and went to downtown. I arrived at my destination early, as expected. I talked with a supervisor, or manager and was told the previous interview was going longer than expected. That's okay. I walked around the store, looking at the merchandise and mentally shopping for new clothes. By 3:30 (the appointment was for 3:00), the supervisor (or manager) asked if we could reschedule for tomorrow since the interviewer's shift would finish before I could do a proper interview. I felt like I wasted my day. I wasted a bus token to go there and I'd be wasting another one to go back home, leaving me with only 2 bus tokens which I would have to use the next day to go back and hopefully not have the same thing happen.

I tried to make the best of it and rescheduled for tomorrow evening. I went to the Apple Store to get my headphones replaced (I love the automatic 1-year warranty on their products). I dropped off my résumé at a shoe store. I made sure to take note of what other stores were hiring and I will be applying online for them tonight. So the day didn't seem completely wasted.

And then I came home and B2 told me I have mail and since she was sure I was yarn, she put it in my room. I have got these kids trained well. I had a smile only face when I opened up the package.

It's from the Cookie Sock Club and this month, the yarn is by Pagewood Farm and the colourway is Cape Cod Cranberry. This is the first time that a yarn has been new to me. It's 100% Merino Superwash and I like the colour but I have never knit socks without there being nylon in it. The last skein that was sent without nylon is still sitting in a ziploc bag on my bookshelf. I'm thinking that this skein can be put towards another Stephen West shawl.

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