Thursday 28 February 2013

This has nothing to do with knitting and everything to do with Sims and Writing

I know, it's a rare thing to not be writing about knitting but I have to get this out there.

I have been playing The Sims 2 since the day it came out.  I was right there, as soon as EB Games opened, asking the manager if they unpacked the box with the game yet.  Much to my dismay, he tells me that they hadn't even received the box yet.  Every break that I had at work that day, I was back at the store to see if the shipment came in.  That alone, tells you how much I love this game.

I love playing neighbourhoods, especially ones of my own creation.  I've done about 3 major ones (I had blogs for 2 of them which are still available to read - just look through my profile).  And I've lost each one of them due to computer crashes that were "beyond my control".  My mind is always thinking about major neighbourhoods when it comes to the Sims.

I have been going through withdrawal   My DVDrom drive has decided it no longer wants to be a part of the computer system.  Everything else works well but the drive won't open and the rare times that it does, it's not even acknowledged in Explorer.  Therefore I don't have the option of installing the games. Therefore again, I have spent extra time, thinking about this neighbourhood I want to create called simply "The Complex".

The Complex will be loosely Dystopian society.  I haven't yet decided if it will be completely underground or above ground but indoor  I'm still in the middle of making up the laws that rule this society and the reason they live like they do.  I have a decent amount of my own sim pool that I can make my starter sims from.  I may or may not have a blog about it but I won't be able to do anything other than theorize until I can install the game.

In the mean time, I can go over the pool of sims I do have, and based on memory, write about them living life in the Complex.  You never know, it could end up being something big. {insert winky emoticon here}

If anyone wants to, you can read the bare basics, that I plan to be continually update, here: The Complex.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

I didn't intentionally miss 2 days

But it seems to be a pattern since I missed a day close to the end of January as well. This time, the app was refusing to publish or even save it as a draft.

Anywho, the cookies were a grand success. I came home yesterday to see my brother with a saucer, taking out some cookies. I asked how many were left, hoping that I would have some to take to the knitting circle.

He left 3 cookies.

How can your share 3 cookies for 10 people? You don't. By the time I came home from knitting circle, the plate washed, the stove was cleared and there were not even any crumbs left. So sorry to the transparent and the best friend. I'm going to make another batch next week once I get more ingredients.

The Ernie socks are definitely not going as quickly as the Newtons but I think it's an unfair comparison as it is. I've turned the heel and I'm working on the gusset so it shouldn't be too long to finish this sock.

I'm trying to breakdown a general time line for knitting socks:
- 2-3 days for the cuff and leg
- 1 day for the heel flap and turn heel
- 1 day for the gusset
- 2 days for the foot and toe

That works out to 6-7 days for 1 sock.

On another note, I got this idea running around in my head for a Sims neighbourhood. I may do an entry for it tomorrow.

Me wanted cookies so me made cookies

Let's try this again...

Still didn't make it to the heel flap but I plan to rectify thy problem tonight before going to bed.

I did however male the Non-Pecan Pecan Sandies. They turned out great for a first attempt. And despite what I previously thought, my mother's kitchen was not as much of a help as I thought it would be. Couldn't find the sugar. The eggs were nowhere to be found and searching for flour was next to impossible (although I did eventually find it by taste testing almost every white non granulated powder in her kitchen). They baked pretty quickly too. I don't know if I'm going to try the to newtons any time soon. No one in my house has any great affection for figs but everyone likes chocolate :)

Sunday 24 February 2013

Today was pretty much a bust

I didn't accomplish any of the goals I had in mind for the day. I still have half a repeat left before I reach the heel flap for the Ernie sock. In regards to the non-pecan pecan sandies, I softened the butter and discovered we have no eggs in the house. Colour me shocked and surprised.

I really didn't feel like knitting today there I didn't do as much as I wanted to accomplish. I have been knitting for almost 2 weeks straight, so I guess in the end that's not that bad.

I feel like writing though (this just happened like 5 minutes ago) it almost always works out for the best when it's about something I'm going through. There's already a tentative title called "Back-peddle". I think I'll have to go whip out the ol' netbook and have a go at it.

Saturday 23 February 2013

To bed, I said

I am so tired right now, I can barely stay awake. I did work a bit on the Ernie sock. I have two more repeats before the heel flap I believe. And I'm still on the time table to finish the flap by tomorrow night.

Tomorrow is also the big day to make the "Non-Pecan Pecan Sandies" which I have roped my cousin into helping with. As for the regular Pecan Sandies, I have a house to donate them to if I wish to make them. I haven't met a family with no allergies in so long, I forgot they existed.

Friday 22 February 2013

I wonder how many socks I'll have by the end of the year

I guess I'm doing my entry a bit earlier today. I have the time and peace to do it now.

I worked a bit more on the Ernie sock a bit more. I calculated that I should need about 9 pattern repeats before the heel flap. I'm just past the 4th repeat. Maybe by Sunday I'll have that part done. I don't know what I'm going to do when I finish these socks. The next pattern doesn't come until April. Maybe I'll pick up the Slide pattern and do that one in the mean time.

I'm already planning for April. The plan is to use the club yarn for the first pair and perhaps finally use a skein of Tanis Blue. I guess now that it's not taking me as long to make a pair of socks, I can use my stash yarn.

Thursday 21 February 2013

It is finished!

I couldn't stay up last night to finish the toe of the Newtons. I picked them up first thing this morning and finished it up in no time flat. I put them on my sock blockers, took a few pictures and sent them to be washed. They are currently drying right now and look lovely. I can't wait to wear them.

I caked the the Julep sock yarn from Springtree Road, printed off the pattern for the Ernie and casted on. I've read that others say the Ernie pattern is easier; or more like easier to memorize and I think in time it will be. It's only an 8 row repeat as opposed to the Newton pattern which is 24. It's coming along nicely.

Since I've been working again with DPNs, I have been wanting to purchase more but I have requirements:
1) no metal or plastic
2) no bamboo
3) 5" long

Right now, that's leaving me with either the Harmony needles or or something else. I've been looking at the Dyak needles. Right now, the only thing I'm not liking is that wait time. Four to six months? I guess I could do it like an investment and get them in the mail, forgetting that I even ordered them.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Almost done

I think I'm going to finish the Newtons. I just have the toe to finish and I may or may not finish it tonight. I'll definitely be starting the Ernie's tomorrow.

Today I randomly decided to dye another skein of yarn in my new crock pot. It turned out really nice. I used a Superwash skein of BFL. I'm not sure what I'll knit with it but I will do it soon. I really wonder how the yarn would have turned out of it had some silk it it. The colour is already has an iridescent look to it. Someone named it for me. It is now called Peacock Fury. If only I had kept notes as to what I did so I can at the very least attempt to repeat it.


While watching Kelly and Michael live at Disney World. They were pulling out all of these different sets of Mickey and Minnie ears. Just from watching it, I want to start collecting.

I am ridiculous.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

I am sleepy

I casted in the second Newton sock yesterday morning. You wanna know how far I've reached? I'm working on the gusset. This pattern is easily addictive. I keep thinking to myself "Just 1 more row and I'll put it down". Apparently I can't trust myself to listen. I may have this thing finished by Thursday. When it's done, I get the yarn ready for the Ernie.

I went to the grocery store today, looking for the ingredients for the non-pecan pecan sandies. Other than powdered sugar and vegetable oil, I have everything. Sometimes it great that my mother is a pastry chef.

As another bonus, I received an invitation to join another knitting circle that's even closer to my house. The woman who's starting it, is the same one who started the one I am currently in. I don't think you can have too many knitting opportunities.

I am listing to this band on Jimmy Fallon Live and I have no idea as to what the lead singer is saying. I can't even pick out a word or two but he sounds like a decent guitarist. He just needs to learn how to enunciate. 😥

Monday 18 February 2013

Progress has been made

Just like I said last night, I finished the first sock for the Newton. I casted on the second sock this morning. I finished the cuff and I'm almost finished the first repeat. I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow except the gym and then knitting circle tomorrow evening. I'm hoping I can reach to the heel flap by the time Knitting Circle comes around so I can show someone how to do the heel flap.

I am still amazed the the speed I'm getting through these socks. At the rate I'm seem to be going, I should finish the second sock this week and be ready to cast on the Ernie socks.

On another note of the other portion of Cookie A's Sock Club, I still have a batch of cookies to make. I wasn't sure if I was going to make them. One of the recipes is a Pecan Sandies. Just based on the name, it means pecans are pretty much required. I can't eat pecans and my brother has nut allergies so that's pretty much a no-no. Someone on the forum replaced the pecans with white chocolate chips. Now that's doable.

Sunday 17 February 2013

What What!

I cannot believe it!  I am almost finished the first sock of the Newton pattern.  I just have a couple more rows to go before closing up the toe.  It's been pretty much a week since I got the pattern as was able to start Monday night. I don't know (but I most likely will) if I will cast on the second sock tonight.  I am on such a good roll that I think I want to keep it going.  I cannot wait to have the finished pair of socks.  I'll take a better picture of the sock once this one is complete.

After this, it will be the Ernie.  I am quite certain that I am going to do them both.  It will be interesting to see how many socks I will do this year.

I watched 3 more episodes of Downton Abbey.  I only have another 2 episodes to go before I finish Series 2 and one of them is a Christmas special so I don't know how vital it is for me to watch that episode.  I had to stop myself from going further tonight.  It was almost 9:30 when the episode finished and if I started another one, I have no idea what time I'd be going to my bed tonight.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Twenty cent difference?

I have been enjoying knitting these Newtons far too much and I'm attributing a good portion of that to the yarn. The cashmere in the yarn feels divine! I've already scoped places to buy undyed sock yarn that contains cashmere. I had 2 places on my list; Acme Fibres, which I have purchased from before and Polika. Polika only sells them in packs of 5. Acme Fibres sells them individually and gives a discount if you spend over a certain amount. And finally a bonus for living in the same province, I would get charged less for shipping and handling than if I ordered it from the other side of the country. I put everything into the shopping carts and did everything before putting in PayPal information. The difference was $0.20 (I can't get the cent sign on this phone). Might as well go with a company I have worked with before.

Anywho, I have already finished the gusset and tried the sock on (first time I can do that without the DPNs coming out of place). It's at the half way point on my foot. I think I have a chance I finishing the sock tomorrow. I am definitely going to have to pack a knitting travel pack for Monday so I can get started on he second sock. Besides, someone in the knitting circle wanted me to show them how to turn a heel. Got to hurry and get to that point by Tuesday.

Friday 15 February 2013

Turned a heel

I really did turn the heel on the Newton last night and then I picked up the gusset this morning. At this rate, I'm wondering if I can get the sock done by Tuesday, if not earlier. Time this weekend is in short supply. I got church tomorrow, food bank on Sunday and on holiday Monday, my mom wants us to go to Collingwood. We'll see about that.

I'm actually looking for undyed sock yarn of Merino and Cashmere. I don't know if $15.40/skein is a good deal. I think it is considering how much it costs for a dyed skein of Merino and Cashmere. I guess I'll decide by Tuesday or Wednesday.

Thursday 14 February 2013

I am still in shock

I have been doing wonderful progress on my Newton socks. I'm almost finished the heel flap and plan to turn the heel before I go to bed. I always peruse the sock club forum on Ravelry. Someone posted that they'd finished one sock of the Newtons. I'm like "wow!" At this point I was still in the middle of a repeat. And then the craziest thing; someone finished the pair. We just got the pattern on Monday. That's 4 days if I'm being generous.. I'll be glad if I can finish 1 sock within 2 weeks.

Suffice it to say, I think I may finish these socks much more quickly than I anticipated. I think I'll do the Ernie's afterwards with the Springtree Road Julep sock yarn in the colour Calends. I've been holding on to it for awhile, trying to decide what to do with it but now that I've been spoiled with Cashmere in the sock yarn from the Indigodragonfly MCN sock yarn that I got, I want to use more cashmere induced sock yarn. Just got to hurry and finish the Newtons.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Anklet Plans

I washed the anklet socks I made last January. I had always found that they were loose around the ankles. This time, I decided to throw them in the dryer. This is what happens when you just can't be bothered to separate the hand made socks from the rest of the clothes. Surprisingly, when I put them on this morning, they were perfect for my feet.

This gave me the idea that if I have time before the next sock patterns come from the Sock Club, I can try to make anklet versions of the alternative patterns. Depending on how much yarn I have left over, I may use that or other commercial yarns that I have left in my stash.

These Newton socks are coming along very nicely. I've finished 2 pattern repeats and I'm pretty sure by the time I finish the 3rd, it will be time to do the heel flap. I'm actually looking forward to it.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Minor Dilemas

I'm having a dilemma. It's not life changing or anything. I got laundry to fold but I want to knit the Newtons. It's not like I haven't been working on it throughout the day plus it's a knitting circle night. I just got to buckle down and fold the laundry because as soon as I'm done, I'm getting back to my socks.

As I'm seeing the progress on the other sock option for the Feb/Mar, Ernie, and I'm wanting to do them as soon as I finish the Newtons. I don't know what yarn I'm going to use for them. I was thinking of using the Muscadine in Kohl by Springtree Road.

The Newtons are coming along quite nicely. I keep stopping every few rows to admire my work. I am so vain in regards to my sock knitting.

Monday 11 February 2013

Tis All Here

I woke up this morning and checked my email, waiting for notification that I got my first pattern for the Cookie's Sock Club. At 7:30 in the morning, it wasn't there. And then I thought to myself, "what the heck? She's in California and that's 3 hours behind me. Should I really expect for her to be up at 4:30 in morning just to make a pattern available?"

Just before noon, I get the notification that the pattern is available. I don't know why I was so giddy. I couldn't print the pattern to really go over it. I couldn't cast on since I didn't bring any needles or the skein with me and I still couldn't cake the yarn until I got home. The only remaining question was if I had to use child labour to do it.

Little cousin B2 was lucky today because when I got home, there was my swift. I immediately set it up and caked the yarn, ran downstairs and printed the relevant parts for the pattern. I came back up and went through my collection of needles and wondered where all of my smaller sized 1.5US needles went to.

I finally had everything ready to go. I decided to do the Newton Socks which is the more lace based design. I casted on my 1.5 US Kollage Square needles. I hated it. Once I finished one row and realized I couldn't locate a set o 1.5 US needles that was free to use, I actually pulled out my Harmony DPNs. I'm almost finished the cuff and I'm liking the progress I'm making. If I continue at this rate, the first sock would be done in a week. But keep in mind, I haven't reached the heel flap and that is what slows me down.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Could be an inspiration

After dyeing that skein of Grapefruit Sunrise, I looked outside the other kitchen window and saw the snow on top of my neighbour's roof with the sky behind it and thought it was beautiful.  I think I may try to recreate something like that on a skein of yarn.  I think I'll take the Food Colouring dye method again since I had such wonderful results for Grapefruit Sunrise.

I still haven't gotten my swift but I've already recruited my little cousin, B2, to hold the yarn if necessary to cake the yarn tomorrow evening.  I will not wait any longer than I have to to start the new sock.  But when I think about it, I still have to finish the second sock of the Bex socks.  I don't even remember if I made it past the cuff yet.  I'll try to alternate my time but I cannot make any guarantees.

On a completely different note, I have been reading a lot.  Of what? Fanfiction.  I have reached to the point where I started to read fanfic for The Big Bang Theory, specifically in regards to Shamy (in lay-man's terms, Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farah Fowler).  It's been going pretty good so far, especially since I seem to sneak to my phone at every opportunity to read even more. 

Surprisingly, seeing how other authors write in regards to both Sheldon and Amy, especially in regards to Mari Spencer and how she would handle romantic relationships.  I have already determined that Mari is not an easy person to get along with in any regards.  She's very distant but like Sheldon, she does have friends who are working their best to make her more sociable.

Saturday 9 February 2013

I have found the place

I really like taking pictures of the yarn that I have dyed, or any yarn for that matter. The issue I've had though is that the pictures never seem to have the proper lighting and I couldn't find a place in my room to get decent pictures. This is what happens when the only natural light coming into your room is from the "sun"room on the other side of where a window should be. But since I got that skein of E Pluribus Nom Nom Nom and opened it in the kitchen and took a picture, I realized that its the best place to take pictures of my yarn :D Bonus!

On a completely different note, I listened to myself sing for the first time in a long time, like 15 years long time. Is it bad manners to say that I really like the sound of my own voice? I'm not a Jill Scott or anything and I have no illusions about being a professional singer, but I'm actually starting to agree with what other people have been telling me for awhile. That I have a nice singing voice.

Friday 8 February 2013

So there was like a snow storm

I am so happy I didn't have to leave the house today. I just looked out the front door and said "I hope the mail man can come so I can get my swift".

Well that didn't happen but such is life. I'm giving Canada Post until Monday afternoon or else I'm corralling one of my cousins to help me cake the yarn. The first pattern for the sock club comes out on Monday and I do not want to be too far behind.

The view outside the kitchen window this afternoon:

Thursday 7 February 2013

Snow and dye and cookies

I'm hunkering down in the house in preparation of (apparently) the biggest snow storm to hit Toronto in the past 5 years. I'm planning on spending my extra time knitting.

The plan for tonight is to attempt my MaddieTosh dye-along skein. I'm still wanting to try the grapefruit look alike. I have an idea as to how I'll do it but I haven't used food colouring before.

I was happy when I reached home and found my first skein of Cookie A's Sock Club 2013. What I found interesting is that the yarn is by Indigodragonfly, a Canadian Indie Dyer that I already own a skein of, left Canada, went to California and back to Canada just for me. I haven't gotten the patterns as of yet but it was said that it will come on the 11th (Monday).

So I shall stare at my skein in all it's loveliness until I either get the pattern or the swift (hopefully it comes tomorrow or else I'll have to unskein it by hand. That just takes more time than I want.

Off to dye!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

These kind of days

You know those days when you just don't know what to say? I'm having one of those days. I didn't knit like I wanted to. I finished a book and started another one. Went to the gym as per very often. Attempted to watch Arrow but my mother walked into my room and proceeded to talk throughout the entire episode. I was lucky that my aunt has CW on her tv which airs the same episode an hour later. I missed so much from the original watching. I think I need to put a sign up on my door that states "I am not available for conversation (outside of commercials) during the following shows: Arrow (Wednesday 7-8), Vampire Diaries (Thursday 8-9), Glee (Thursday 9-10) and Elementary (Thursday 10-11). If you try, I will not be held accountable for my reaction."

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Just Blankie Pics

I worked a bit on the Blankie while at the Knitting Circle. I took a few more pics and that's about it (other than buying a new dress, sweater and loafers).

Monday 4 February 2013


I got my hopes up early. I thought I had gotten my first pattern from Cookie's 2013 Sock Club today. It was just a notification message that I was getting it on Feb 11. I was a ready to cake a skein. Sigh, I guess I'll still have to wait but at least the yarn is still on its way to my house, along with a table top swift.

After the last debacle with my printer, I went back to the store to buy the correct ink this time. I did ask if it were possible to return the ink from yesterday. I got the answer I expected; it's out of the package so we can't help you. I installed it, and was still ready to chuck it when it kept chewing up my paper. But with persistence and realizing that I don't have the money to buy a new printer, I got the thing to work.

Sunday 3 February 2013

So no progress today

But that's okay. I watched 3 episodes of "Downton Abbey" (I love this show! ❤), did a bit of shopping, bought some ink for my printer only to not have it work. I am ready to chuck my printer out the door and buy a new one. I ignored the Superbowl and all the stuff that goes along with it except for the nachos. The only reason I'm still awake is because I'm waiting for the "Elementary" episode that's supposed to be on after the Superbowl.

Saturday 2 February 2013

I have decided

I think I'm going to go with 30 squares across and right now I'm at 18 in total so I should be good with another 12 individual squares. And then time to build everything up. It's already on my lap, and creating heat. I love this thing :)

I'm up to 64 squares in total.

There isn't really much to say today because I'm generally not knitting on Saturday as of yet.  Tonight, I plan to be sitting at the computer, watching "Downton Abbey" while doing more for the Blankie.  No pics tonight.  Maybe tomorrow

But on a non-blankie note: I got an email from Cookie stating that my first shipment is on the way!  I am so excited!  I can't wait to see what comes.

Friday 1 February 2013

It's about time

I ended by buying 3 things today that I wasn't even sure I was gig to get until I was walking out the store today. I have been in need of mittens as of late and I don't think I'll actually knit them with any kind of speed so I bought a pair today. Not knitted ones mind you but the thinsulate kind. I also bought a wallet/purse (depending on your cultural background). The clasp on my old one had fallen off and I don't even now when or how it happened. One minute it's closing and the next I'm wondering why the receipt I had in my wallet is now on the floor. He new one is from Roots so that pretty much guarantees that it's leather and not pleather and apparently it blocks some kind of signal thingy. I dunno but it sounded important and it's a colour I like.

I bought one knitting related item and it's not yarn or needles or even a book! I bought a maple swift off of etsy. It looks simple enough and the price is affordable.

No updates for Blankie other than adding 1 square so I am off to bed now. G'nite!