Saturday 16 February 2013

Twenty cent difference?

I have been enjoying knitting these Newtons far too much and I'm attributing a good portion of that to the yarn. The cashmere in the yarn feels divine! I've already scoped places to buy undyed sock yarn that contains cashmere. I had 2 places on my list; Acme Fibres, which I have purchased from before and Polika. Polika only sells them in packs of 5. Acme Fibres sells them individually and gives a discount if you spend over a certain amount. And finally a bonus for living in the same province, I would get charged less for shipping and handling than if I ordered it from the other side of the country. I put everything into the shopping carts and did everything before putting in PayPal information. The difference was $0.20 (I can't get the cent sign on this phone). Might as well go with a company I have worked with before.

Anywho, I have already finished the gusset and tried the sock on (first time I can do that without the DPNs coming out of place). It's at the half way point on my foot. I think I have a chance I finishing the sock tomorrow. I am definitely going to have to pack a knitting travel pack for Monday so I can get started on he second sock. Besides, someone in the knitting circle wanted me to show them how to turn a heel. Got to hurry and get to that point by Tuesday.

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