Tuesday 12 February 2013

Minor Dilemas

I'm having a dilemma. It's not life changing or anything. I got laundry to fold but I want to knit the Newtons. It's not like I haven't been working on it throughout the day plus it's a knitting circle night. I just got to buckle down and fold the laundry because as soon as I'm done, I'm getting back to my socks.

As I'm seeing the progress on the other sock option for the Feb/Mar, Ernie, and I'm wanting to do them as soon as I finish the Newtons. I don't know what yarn I'm going to use for them. I was thinking of using the Muscadine in Kohl by Springtree Road.

The Newtons are coming along quite nicely. I keep stopping every few rows to admire my work. I am so vain in regards to my sock knitting.

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