Monday 18 February 2013

Progress has been made

Just like I said last night, I finished the first sock for the Newton. I casted on the second sock this morning. I finished the cuff and I'm almost finished the first repeat. I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow except the gym and then knitting circle tomorrow evening. I'm hoping I can reach to the heel flap by the time Knitting Circle comes around so I can show someone how to do the heel flap.

I am still amazed the the speed I'm getting through these socks. At the rate I'm seem to be going, I should finish the second sock this week and be ready to cast on the Ernie socks.

On another note of the other portion of Cookie A's Sock Club, I still have a batch of cookies to make. I wasn't sure if I was going to make them. One of the recipes is a Pecan Sandies. Just based on the name, it means pecans are pretty much required. I can't eat pecans and my brother has nut allergies so that's pretty much a no-no. Someone on the forum replaced the pecans with white chocolate chips. Now that's doable.

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