Monday 4 February 2013


I got my hopes up early. I thought I had gotten my first pattern from Cookie's 2013 Sock Club today. It was just a notification message that I was getting it on Feb 11. I was a ready to cake a skein. Sigh, I guess I'll still have to wait but at least the yarn is still on its way to my house, along with a table top swift.

After the last debacle with my printer, I went back to the store to buy the correct ink this time. I did ask if it were possible to return the ink from yesterday. I got the answer I expected; it's out of the package so we can't help you. I installed it, and was still ready to chuck it when it kept chewing up my paper. But with persistence and realizing that I don't have the money to buy a new printer, I got the thing to work.

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