Saturday 7 September 2013

1st Book I'd like to write

This is the first entry for the "Books I'd like to write" (introductory entry).  I'm hoping I do this topic justice.

There are many stories that I'd like to write but it's not easy just narrowing it down to 5 books.  The ideas I have veer off in many directions and follow multiple timelines which makes it them seem more like soap operas more than a story for a book.  So let's get this thing on the road.

Book #1: an adventure story, featuring the Bellamy family.  More specifically Ryan Bellamy

This is actually a story I had attempted to do for NarnoWriMo a few years back but I had never finished.  I may or may not have mentioned this story in this blog; I'm not really certain but here's the basic plot.

Ryan Bellamy awakens to find his family house abandoned, his family all but dead and gone and a squatter has taken up residence in the family home.  While he tries to find out what happened to his family, he befriends the squatter, a fiesty Irish re-head by the name of Amelia (with no last name) and reluctant new friend named Isai Malik who has vowed to protect the Bellamy family to the death. The search to find out what happened to his family takes Ryan to Ireland where he finds out that not only does he have family alive, but they are hell bent on making sure they finish what they started and kill him too.

Does it sound intriguing?  There's a still quite a bit of information that has been left out; like there's magic involved.  It's just hard trying to figure out exactly where the magic comes from.  He's not a witch (or a warlock).  There's no wand waving involved.  I think I've determined that he (and the rest of his family before him) are descended from a line of powerful fairies that have been "kicked out of the kingdom" so to speak.

Ryan Bellamy has the power plant life and living creatures, such as bugs and animals.  He can also create portals.  He's the middle child of 3.  He's a jovial individual and carefree.

Amelia does have a magical ability but it is so minute, it can hardly be classified as a power.  If she concentrates really hard, to the point of getting a nosebleed, she can make a lightbulb flicker.

Isai Malik...he's just old.  When I say old, I mean he's over a millennia old. His aging process is pretty much at a standstill so he appears to be in his mid 30s.  He doesn't heal any faster than anyone else, or have any special powers.  He just can't die.  He made a promise to one of Ryan's family members, Aunt Zoe, that he would protect the family until he dies.  Since he doesn't die, he'll never stop

I had an outline for the entire story but it got lost on the USB key.  I do think I'd like to attempt this story again and complete it.

There are other stories in this Bellamy saga, all from the previous generation which is a whole other 5 set of books.  I even have a brief outline for the entire thing.  One of these days, I'll even write an entry about them

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