Saturday 7 September 2013

Year of Projects: Week 11

For this week, I finished 1 foot of the test pattern sock but as far as I know, I still don't have permission to show it off yet but it does look very pretty.  I love the yarn so much and I was disappointed to find out the dyer doesn't seem to make that colour anymore.  I'd have to check and she if she would be willing to do it as a special commission or something.  It's from Springtree Road in Muscadine in the colourway Framboise and I've had it in my stash for about a year and a half, just waiting for just the right project for it.

Just last week, I had pledged that I was going to get my projects down to 3 WIPs...and then after seeing someone else knitting a scarf/shawlette at the Tuesday knitting circle.  I got the pattern and that same night, I came home, pulled out a skein of Knitpicks Gloss in Coastal Grey and cast on the Hitchhiker scarf.  About 3 tips in, when I decided that it looked a little plain.  I went though my stash and pulled out a skein of Knitpicks Chroma in fingering weight in the Midwinter colourway.  I was one happy camper when I worked on it.  I was going to keep it but then I found out one of my cousins has a birthday coming up in a few months and guess what, she loves scarves and shawlette type guess who's going to reap the benefits of my knitting?  Not me (other than the hours of enjoyment of knitting it).

I haven't knit anymore of the scarf for my brother and apparently I've taken so long with it, he's no longer expecting it so it should be a good surprise when he gets the scarf and the hat.

The "soon-to-be" recipient of the scarf (child 3 out of 5).  I call him my little brother and he's grown so much that he's taller than me that I can rest my head on his shoulders.  The kid has just entered grade 7 and is planning out his highschool life, especially since he wants to go to an arts school.
I don't know if you can tell but he's a "tad" but dramatic.


  1. I love the hitchhiker scarf!

    My niece is in grade 7 as well... And my blog post is about the hat and scarf set I am knitting for her!

    Your brother IS tall!

    My son (who is in grade six this year) is also tall... 5 feet 7 inches... Not much longer and I will be able to rest my head in his shoulder too...

    1. Awe! Thank you! My brother actually only 5'3" but he's nowhere close to done yet.

  2. Ha! Funny how a project that starts off for you ends up being perfect for someone else. Your comment on an earlier post now makes much more sense. :)

    1. See? I'm crazy! Somehow:

      Knitting scarf = gift for someone else

  3. Love the Hitchhiker, the colours go really well together!

    1. Thanks! I really like the colour combinations as well.

  4. I love that colour combo in the Hitchhiker scarf, with so much knitty inspiration around it's easy to add another wip to the pile.......lovely gift for your cousin.

    1. The problem is finishing everything in a reasonable time frame.

  5. Love the colours in the hitchhiker and its going to make a great present.

    1. I agree. I actually want to make another one in a different colour combination.

  6. Love framboise-- I had it on a merino/silk blend that I can't remember at the moment. Are you sure she's not dying it anymore? Ask in the Rav forum for Springtree Road, they're super friendly and helpful!

    1. I will admit that I didn't actually ask but I did check the website quite a few times in the past month and didn't see the colour for any of her yarn lines. I guess it would be a bad idea to ask in the forum.

  7. Oh, I have to put that hitchhiker scarf on my list too! I do like how you added the's a stunning look. I wish we could see that sock and yarn....the anticipation! What a cutie your brother is even with the passionate grimace. He's probably like me. I don' t like to have my picture taken so I always do the same thing and make a face and and then I REALLY look bad. You can tell he's a cutie though. He's expressing his "artistic" side. Have a great week!

    1. Thank-you!

      It's rare to see him look normal in a picture.

  8. That is a great color combination. Your brother looks quite the character!

  9. HItchhiker looks fabulous! Maybe you'll have to make a second one to keep for yourself? I like it with the two colours you've chosen. Dramatic? YEP!

    1. Thank-you! I actually do want to knit one for myself. I hope I have enough yarn to make another one. If not, I hope I be able to buy more to make another one.

      Dramatic? Definitely but his passion is music.

  10. Love the colours in the hitchhiker. He looks like a comfortable place to lay your head!!

    1. Yeah it is. Soon though I'm going to have to wear heels to rest my head on hi shoulder.
