Friday 21 June 2013

Shoddy memory

I went to the Thursday Knitting Circle last night. One of the ladies from the Tuesday Knitting Circle came and as we began chatting, I realized I forgot to bring something important.

Thursday is the day I see T. I wanted to get help with the stitch pattern for part of the 7 to Annika. It would help if I brought the trial stitch pattern, both written and knitted, right? The written copy never left my book shelf and the knitted one never left the teapot. I don't even know if I'll see T next week. I don't know which city I will be in. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure it out on my own.

I ended up working on the Spock Socks the entire time. It's still slow work but I think that it's mostly due to not always wanting to knit and having too many projects to work on. 

It's starting to bother me. I'm not worried about the single socks. It's the partially done single socks I don't like. I want to finish the Anklet soon and I don't have that far to go either. I want to finish the baby socks. For both, it's just a few more rows until the toe. I have no idea why I can't just pick them up and finish. It's so close I can taste it.

I got an unexpected trip coming up that will have a lot of driving to get to the destination. I'm not exactly sure what I'll take with me but the baby socks have got to be done. There is no point on travelling with them. I'll think I'll take anklet socks. It's a lot of stockinette which can be done without paying too much attention. I just have to make sure I can get enough of the "chopped up" blue yarn required for the cuff, heel and toe.

I saw another simple anklet pattern that's a toe up. I'll bring supplies to it. They'll definitely be mismatched

Another project I'd like to travel with is the Shapely Boyfriend Cardigan for the same reason as the anklet. It's mostly plain stockinette. Put on some music or a podcast or even finish up an audiobook and gets a crackin'. Maybe by the time I get back from this trip, I'll have quite a bit of work to show for my Year of Projects: Year 3 Update.

So as of now, the projects to carry:
- Anklet #1
- Spock Socks
- Summer Anklet (Anklet #2)
- Shapely Boyfriend

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