Thursday 2 May 2013

A bag full of projects

On day 2 of living without a bus pass, you start realizing that you have to take your rides where you can find them.  This is the reason I'm sitting at my local library 3.5 hrs before Knitting Circle starts.

I hope I packed my bag well.  I've got a variety of knitting projects in my bag which currently contains Blankie, the Shapely Boyfriend Cardigan, the Tulip Socks, the Pirouette Socks and the Stitch Surfer Socks.  Knitting as entertainment is covered.

And on top of the knitting projects I have a new book to read called "Flood" by Stephen Baxter.  Too bad I have not mastered the art of reading and knitting at the same time.  I really want to get to the second book, "Ark", since that is what grabbed my attention.  However you can't do a book series without reading the books in proper order or else the whole story just doesn't work out the way the author intended. For example, reading "Garden of Shadows" by V.C. Andrews before reading "Flowers in the Attic".  Did that when I was younger and realized it completely ruined the somewhat innocence of "Flowers in the Attic" is just wrong.

Hopefully soon, the latest episode of Arrow will finish downloading on my phone so I can watch it again. OMG! It was such a good episode and there are still 2 more episodes left for the season. I will be spending the summer hiatus from new episodes by catching up on Vampire Diaries (which I have not watched since I started going to the Thursday Knitting Circle), Elementary (which Global TV has left me feeling totally confused as to which Thursdays the show airs) and re-watching Arrow from the beginning of the season.

So off now I go to start knitting something, probably Blankie or Shapely Boyfriend since it doesn't require much concentration so I can watch Arrow at the same time...when it finishes downloading.

- TTFN (quoted from Tigger)

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