Monday 21 January 2013

Something gotten and something still missing

I was generally productive today...or at least I think I was.  I got up this morning and after watching Pokemon, which has become my daily ritual (you'd think I was way younger than I really am from that alone), I got on the bus and headed to the gym.  It took longer to complain about being on the elliptical machine, I upped my reps to do 3 sets instead of 2 (the pain on the back of my left shoulder is proof) and left the gym with a smile on my face, until I got slapped with the cold when I got outside.  Sometimes I think Canadian weather sucks, but then I remember that I live in between the snow belts so it could be a lot worse.  That usually ends my complaining.

I finally went and got my Health Card situation taken care of.  Backstory: I lost it years ago but I had the old fashioned red and white one that never needed to be replaced and I didn't want to change to the new one because they meant a replacement every few years. I'm a major procrastinator.  I have admitted it and let's move on.

I had everything ready to go for the new card last week Thursday but the camera wasn't working.  I couldn't go again until today only to find the lineup was going out to the main hall of the mall.  They were remarkably fast considering the amount of people and the fact that it is a government place so I was pleased.  I got my temporary Health Card, which is really a piece of paper, and the new one should be arriving in 4-6 weeks.

Today I also took the opportunity to check out the bulk store in the mall as well.  And they had what I was looking forward to.  Found the Citric Acid.  I didn't buy it yet but next time I go, I'll buy some.  I also did a KnitPicks Order this morning. So I'm now waiting for a starter set of Jacquard Acid Dyes, a book on how to dye yarn, a harmony wood crochet needle, flexible stitch markers and 1 ball of Wool of the Andes in Hyacinth (I'm convinced the remaining 2 balls I have will not be enough to finish my Anisette Cardi so I had to get another one).

I did come home today to find my skein of Muscadine Sock Yarn (because I can never have enough) in Cocoa.  I was still hoping to find my copy of "The Enchanted Sole" but still no sign of it.  I sent in an email.  Here's to hoping that I'll get some kind of positive answer.

Last of all, let this be the last time I buy sock yarn (unless it's undyed) until next year.  I can hold out until January 2014.  The only sock yarn that should be arriving is the ones from Cookie's Sock Club 2013 and the only sock purchase should be for Cookie's Sock Club 2014.

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