Tuesday 8 January 2013

What a tiring day

I woke up not feeling too great. I could feel the beginning of a headache. I have reached to a point with my headaches where I have categorize my types of headaches and I have generally figured out how to take care of each kind. It's usually a hunger headache, dehydration, pressure change in the atmosphere and the most heinous of all, light sensitivity.

I figured this morning's headache was due to hunger so I got a bagel and a drink before going to the gym. That would satisfy at least hunger or dehydration. I still wasn't feeling to great but I tried to ignore it and go to meet the personal trainer, Irwin or Ivan (I just know his name started with an "I" and ended with an "N"). We went through the training session with the different machines (apparently the treadmill is too easy for me according to him) and by the time I was finished, my body felt tired from the exercise, I stank to high heaven due to the sweat and my head was pounding. I went to my adopted grandparents apartment and did an errand for them, bypassing the Tim Hortons (I was planning on getting some soup but its not easy to eat via TTC). By the time I made it back to the apartment, they told me to go lie down. I managed to figure out so far that it was a pressure change headache. The only thing that helps with that is sleep or an Advil. I think it also was a bit of light sensitivity due to my eyes. My eyes are already not the greatest due to keratoconus which also has a side effect of being light sensitive. Usually I don't have an issue but every once in a while, I'll spend the entire day trying to block out the light because it hurts so much.

Luckily an hour nap seems to have take care of most of the problem but I'm going to bed early tonight and hope that it's fully gone by tomorrow morning, in time for the gym again.

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