Monday 22 April 2013

Today boarded on productive

It's the third Sunday in the month; food bank at my church. I get to do something charitable while also hanging out with some friends and family. Saw a lady with a beautiful hat pin. I thought it was a feather on her cap. She informed me it was an arrow which just made it all the funnier. As much as I would love to track one of those down, I wouldn't have a use for it. I barely wear hats, much less ones that would require a pin.

I received a birthday gift from my best friend's mother; a Guess charm bracelet. I'm not much one for labels, or at labels they stamp all over the product however for Guess it's quite tame. I will wear it with pride and sound like Santa everywhere I go.

After the food bank, one of my cousins drove me home. You got to love generous family members. We even stopped at Costco and while I and her youngest daughters indulged our selves on fries and a hotdog, she found a printer for $60 off and picked it up for her middle daughter who is in need of one. I wouldn't trade my family for the world.

Knitting was slim to none today. Within this weekend I managed to break my 3mm Harmony DPN the only way I know how ( misplacing it somewhere on my bed with brown sheets and accidentally kneeling on it when I try to get on the bed) which left me with 4 and then I somehow misplaced another 3mm Harmony DPN from last night until today. I may be decent at knitting but I can't figure out how to knit a mitten with only 3 DPNs. I had to pull out my interchangeable set and it's creating ladders. I may have to just make another order at Knitpicks when I get some kind of income. Who knows how long that will be...

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